Age of Aquarius?

Astrological ages are based on changes in the heavens, known as The Precession of Equinoxes. This cycle, which lasts roughly 26,000 years, means the zodiac sign visible at dawn on the first day of spring changes about every 2,000 years.

During the Piscean Age, which is swiftly coming to an end, life was based on the pyramid. Every structure, from families to religions and governments, had a single being, person or deity on top, to whom all those below deferred.

Everyone knew their place. While this provided stability, its rigidity severely restricted individual freedom and limited responsibility.

Now we’re entering the Aquarian Age, although astrologers disagree about the exact start date. They do agree, however, that the Age of Aquarius is about flattening the pyramid and individuals assuming more power.

‘Of all the signs, Aquarius is the most free-thinking’.

‘The Piscean Age was dominated by a Christian patriarchal system. The new age is all about making room for a more egalitarian world.’

‘Aquarius is heavily associated with information and technology, and so the way we’re seeing social media facilitating revolution is very much of this era.’

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